Inkblots and Trees


I hate when I come up with original ideas that are actually embarrassingly unoriginal.

Recently I was thinking about Rorschach tests, otherwise known as inkblot tests. This is when you are shown a series of images that are just inkblots. You are then asked what you see in those images and that is supposed to reveal something about you. Like if you see a car then you probably have daddy issues. Of if you see a dog you want a dog or something.

Anyway, my groundbreaking work happened when I thought about how people see the world around themselves. I thought, “The world is like an inkblot. The same thing means different things to different people. When I see a tree I see peace and stillness because I spent summers up north at my grandparent’s cottage and at camp. Someone else looks at a tree and they see something else because they’re experience with trees was different than mine. This can be applied to everything.”

What I came up with was perspective. Everyone knows about perspective. It’s in the dictionary. It’s how opinions are formed. It is one of the basic ideas of understanding relationships. Humanity really. Here I am thinking I came up with this brilliant, original idea. It turns out I’m just this asshole who, at 31, maybe just comprehended what it means to relate to things. I had a similar experience in grade 3 when I thought I came up with sleepovers.

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